Njc green book job evaluation

County council proposals for the implementation of report. To negotiate collective agreements on pay and conditions and any other related matters that the two sides of the national joint council agree to negotiate on. This will generally be council staff, school support staff and. Job evaluation scheme all evaluations will be carried out using the local government single status job evaluation scheme developed by the national joint council for local government services, also known as the njc scheme gauge. This policy and procedure covers staff on njc, soulbury, jnc terms and conditions and. The green book is guidance issued by hm treasury on how to appraise policies, programmes and projects. An njc job evaluation scheme was drawn up to help councils evaluate jobs, alongside joint. Job evaluation of all posts covered by the single status pay and grading structure has been carried out using the greater london provincial council glpc job.

Following consultation by the njc trade unions with their members it has today been announced that agreement has been reached which covers the 201819 and 201920 pay years. Job evaluation of all posts covered by the single status pay and grading structure has been carried out using the. This will generally be council staff, school support staff and people who have been privatised or outsourced. Appeals an appeal procedure has been developed in order to ensure that employees can challenge the grading of their job where they feel that this results from the incorrect application of the job evaluation scheme.

Evaluating the neighbourhood justice centre in yarra. Each factor is broken down into a number of levels and each level is defined by the standard definitions laid down in the blue pages. The green book is the handbook of terms and conditions, advice and guidance that applies to all workers whose contract of employment says they are covered by the provisions of the njc for local government. A clear and transparent approach to management of employee appeals which. Further information on the scheme, the njc green book, and walsall locally agreed conventions. Workforce subscribers regarding the national joint council job evaluation scheme. Public health and social health care profiles 21jun17. Agree that the outstanding issue from the pay and grading project nursery nurses will be. Progression is subject to the provisions of the salary progression scheme. Local arrangements njc part 3 provisions bolton council.

The njc accordingly advises the local parties to cooperate in minimising the costs of reducing the standard working week in order to protect jobs and services. A good source of information may be ncvo or scvo, the voluntary sector organistions for england and scotland respectively. National joint council for local government services. Council and amends the green book and local agreements.

Pay policy statement 201819 rutland county council. Local government services green book east midlands councils. A guide to gender pay gap reporting and what it means for your school a dedicated team of specialists in hr. National joint council for local government services which was in april 16. The njc job evaluation technical notes form part of the njc green book and have the status of part 4 advice. Local government services local government association. If the organsiation has never used njc before, may be useful to undertake job evaluation to accurately place specfic functions. Pay ranges previous njc green book and jnc craft employees 14. The pay structure and conditions apply to all staff on njc and craft terms and conditions. The functions of the national joint council are as follows.

The national joint council for local government services has confirmed the pay deal, setting new pay rates from 1 april 2018 and 1 april 2019. The majority of employees are paid under national joint council njc terms and conditions in tcbc for which the council has 12 pay grades. May 25, 2018 following consultation by the njc trade unions with their members it has today been announced that agreement has been reached which covers the 201819 and 201920 pay years. Equal pay audit 2014 carmarthenshire county council. For school support staff there may be specific arrangements and policies in place, please refer to your head teacher should you have any questions regarding the content of the handbook. Equal pay ensure your pay policy is not discriminatory and that there is equal pay for work of equal value. County council proposals for the implementation of. Northern ireland, england and wales has submitted the 202021 pay claim to the local government association. The green book and current updates are available on.

Appointments board 27th november 20 job evaluation. All former njc green book andcanjnc craft positions within the council went through a job evaluation je process using the greater london provincial council glpc scheme, and the council has collective agreements in place with unison, gmb and. All jobs under njc terms and conditions go through the job evaluation process. Spinal column points are configured into groups to provide incremental pay points. New njc pay scales 2018 northern ireland public service. It also provides guidance on the design and use of monitoring and evaluation before, during. All jobs within the local government services green book within one pay structure and graded using the national joint council njc job evaluation scheme a clear and transparent approach to management of employee appeals which arise as a result of the new pay and grading structure. The national joint council for local government services njc, which. County council proposals for the implementation of report of. Appointments board 27th november 20 job evaluation procedures. The green book is the handbook of terms and conditions. The employers side of the njc for local government services green book. The trade union side of the national joint council for local government services.

Njc payscales are used widely in the voluntary and community sector, although they are local government scales negotiated by the employer and trade union sides of the national joint council for local. Evaluating the neighbourhood justice centre in yarra, 20072009 achieving effective justice successfully piloted the first community justice centre in australia established a vibrant, community court and neighbourhood centre in collingwood, in the city of yarra. Nicva payscales using njc pay points 6 49 important information about our payscales. The pay structure was devised following the evaluation of all posts using the greater london provincial council glpc job evaluation scheme. Agree the appeals procedure for njchay job evaluation. Job evaluation this is a method of determining on a systematic basis the. It highlights the key differences between the burgundy and green books, and also looks at other important questions, such as termtime only tto pay and job evaluation je. The green book job evaluation scheme analyses jobs under factors. Please see below the latest batch of model role profiles for commissioning, family support, home care, public health, residential care, principal social worker and support time recovery jobs. Someone trained in job evaluation may carry this out for you. In 1997, the njc for local government services agreed a national framework with potential for local modification to suit local service requirements. Job evaluation the scheme adopted by ceredigion is the greater london provincial council scheme glpc. Some advice in the njc circulars below may now be outdated. The placing against njc scales are based on clearly agree roles and levels of responsibility.

The green book has been updated and we have issued two versions below. Job evaluation this is a method of determining on a systematic basis the relative importance of a number of different jobs. Teaching staff, youth workers and soulbury employees have different pay scales. The national local government single status job evaluation scheme was. Apr 18, 20 the green book is guidance issued by hm treasury on how to appraise policies, programmes and projects. This document applies to all council employees subject to the terms and conditions of the national. Please register for a trial, or subscribe for full access to continue reading. The pay and terms of conditions of employment for over 1. A guide to gender pay gap reporting and what it means for your school. It is likely that these will be implemented in the salaries of nipsa members in local government in may salaries. To urge all local authorities, recognised unions and employers to apply national agreements. The njc for local government services has 70 members.

Purpose of the report to seek approval of procedures for evaluating njc jobs within the council, and carrying out any subsequent appeals against the grade of a job. A new simplified set of part 3 enhancements and allowances as shown at appendix 2. Greenbookupdate09051welcome to the first post on the gmb 4 branch website and shortly we publishing details on how we can assist you in submitting your appeal, but in the mean time further information can be sought by pressing on the above link which contains the njc green book and especially chapter 4 which has more information on job evaluation. Green book and the njc pay arrangements for all support staff, including post. Subject order of use in je process 1 drawing up local conventions 6 2 principles of the njc je scheme 1 3. Schedule 4 njc green book pay scales gcc grading structure sept 2019. It contains the national framework of key terms and conditions of employment for the overwhelming majority of school support staff. The njc issued a circular and an updated version of the green book. Grey book staff received a 2% award effective from 1 july 2018. To maintain the relevance and integrity of the njc job evaluation scheme. All jobs within the local government services green book within one pay structure and graded using the national joint council njc job evaluation scheme.